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Pastor Lonnie

Author: Rev. Dr. Lonnie Richardson

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Rev. Dr. Lonnie Richardson (Pastor Lonnie) Is the founding and senior pastor of Fox River Congregational Church in Pewaukee Wisconsin.
198 Episodes
Living in the Center

Living in the Center


Life can be full of challenges, distractions, and competing priorities, leading us far from God. However, the key to navigating these challenges with peace, purpose, and direction is to keep our Christian faith at the core of everything we do. This message by Pastor Lonnie emphasizes that Jesus is not just a part of our lives; he is the foundation upon which our lives can be built. We align ourselves with his will, purpose, and strength by making him our foundation. The message will challenge us to examine our hearts, to remove anything that competes for first place, and to live each day with the assurance that with Jesus at the center, our lives are anchored, purposeful, and filled with his peace.
Lost and Found

Lost and Found


If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why does God allow pain, suffering, and human hurt in our world and lives? A perspective on this question can be found in three parables of Jesus that give us a glimpse of the value system that God is carrying on in our lives. It is found in a value system that can only reciprocate gracious love voluntarily. Without it, we are lost.



What will heaven be like? At his crucifixion, Jesus promised the criminal who was sentenced to death next to him that he would be with him in paradise. Picture this word. It is how we may imagine heaven and eternal life. We are not destined for some misty, disembodied experience in some faraway galaxy. Instead, we will live and find community with our creator and fellow creatures in a place of great beauty filled with color, sound, life, and meaningful activity. It will be like the dawning of the Garden of Eden.
The Midnight Mediator

The Midnight Mediator


Pastor Lonnie speaks on the power of prayer and how it establishes a deepening relationship with God. Ongoing prayer defines and refines significant issues we are praying for.
In this message by Pastor Lonnie, you will learn how Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan is an example of how love is giving and caring.
When you read the stories of Jesus, are you reading fairy tales or facts? Can the Bible be trusted? In this message, Pastor Lonnie gives three reasons why you can trust the Bible and offers seven action items you can do to integrate the inspiring message of the Bible into your life.
Romantic love is a gift from God to be cherished, pursued, and enjoyed in God-honoring ways. When we do that, it becomes a sacred means by which God meets us, blesses us into the couple God created us to be, and leads us into the relationship God has designed for us. In this message, Pastor Lonnie will explore a collection of love songs, celebrating the mystery and delights of romantic love found in the Old Testament book of Song of Songs.
We often talk about our feelings. Have you ever said, "There's something about this that just doesn't feel right?" or "I have a good feeling about this?" Our feelings bring our intuitions to light. Have you ever stopped to think that God has feelings, too?    The Bible clearly states that God is emotionally involved in our lives, just as loving parents are emotionally involved in their children's lives. This third message in the series aims to piece together the tapestry of what the Bible says about God by exploring God's feelings of grief and delight, and a compelling command of Jesus.
Deep within, we long for a certain kind of God of love, mercy, compassion, and tenderness. Those longings find fulfillment in the God who created us and much more. These messages by Pastor Lonnie are about the God who cares and offer insight into the nature of God, showing from a scriptural viewpoint, a God who is at once all-powerful, all-loving, and all-knowing and teach us how we can know God in a personal way. Message two.
God’s Care for You

God’s Care for You


Deep within, we long for a certain kind of God of love, mercy, compassion, and tenderness. Those longings find fulfillment in the God who created us and much more. These messages by Pastor Lonnie are about the God who cares and offer insight into the nature of God, showing from a scriptural viewpoint, a God who is at once all-powerful, all-loving, and all-knowing and teach us how we can know God in a personal way. Message one.
Mother's Day message from Pastor Lonnie
A message for Confirmation Sunday to encourage young Christ-followers in their journey in the Christian faith.
In this series of five talks, Pastor Lonnie will embark on a journey of discovery, inspiration, and transformation. Being a Light in a Dark World will delve into the timeless truths of Scripture to uncover practical wisdom and guidance for navigating the complexities of our modern world. Through this series, we will explore the profound meaning of living with purpose and intentionality, even in the face of adversity. Despite our challenges, we can create a tangible impact in our communities, workplaces, and families. We will be reminded of the transformative power of love, kindness, and compassion, which can overcome even the greatest obstacles, making us instruments of God's peace and vessels of sacred love in a world that desperately needs it.
This is the second message by Pastor Lonnie in his series on Being a Light in a Dark World
In this series of five talks, Pastor Lonnie will embark on a journey of discovery, inspiration, and transformation. Being a Light in a Dark World will delve into the timeless truths of Scripture to uncover practical wisdom and guidance for navigating the complexities of our modern world. Through this series, we will explore the profound meaning of living with purpose and intentionality, even in the face of adversity. Despite our challenges, we can create a tangible impact in our communities, workplaces, and families. We will be reminded of the transformative power of love, kindness, and compassion, which can overcome even the greatest obstacles, making us instruments of God's peace and vessels of sacred love in a world that desperately needs it.
Supper’s Ready

Supper’s Ready


This is a Holy Thursday communion message by Pastor Lonnie
There is a city we tend to think of as within us. It is the city of our inherited patterns and ways of doing things. It is the dead weight of our habits, our unreflective living, and our assumption that life is the way we see it and nothing else. Here is a city within that cries for deliverance. Do we dare to enter this city as Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? Will we enter our inner city triumphally?
We often associate the gospel with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But there's another gospel being written every day—one that doesn't come from parchment or ink but in our daily choices, the relationships we nurture, and how we navigate the world around us by our actions and words. There is a fifth gospel, and that is the gospel according to you. In this message, Pastor Lonnie will show how the gospel, according to you, is still being written and the significance of the gospel-inspired life we live can significantly influence others.